Metadata for the garlic mustard common garden populations
- Pop_Code – Population code, used on the tags
- Region – Continent of origin: Europe or North America (NorthAm)
- Collection_Date – Date of original seed collections
- Latitude – Latitude of collection site, in decimal degrees
- Longitude – Longitude of collection site, in decimal degrees
- Altitude – Altitude of collection site, in metres
- Pop_Size – Estimated area covered by the population, in square metres
- Understory – Was this population in a forest understory (1=yes, 0=no)
- Roadside – Was this population located near a road (1=yes, 0=no)
- Hand_Removal – Is there a known history of attempts to control this population using hand removal
- Herbicide – Is there a known history of herbicide use?
- Mowing – Is there a known history of mowing?
- CoverPic_Mean – Estimated cover of the forest canopy (%), based on photo image analysis
- RosDens – Average # rosettes per square meter
- AdultDens – Average # reproductive adults per square meter
- RosRatio – ratio of rosettes:adults
- TotalSize – Estimated number of individuals (Density * Area)
- RosSize – Average rosette diameter
- Height – Average adult height
- Leaves – Average # leaves per adult plant
- Fruits – Average # fruits per adult plant
- Herb – Average herbivory per plant
- FungDmg – Average fungal damage per plant
- PctRosFung – Percent of rosettes with some amount of fungal damage
- PctAdultFung – Percent of adult plants with some amount of fungal damage
- bio1-bio19 – Climatic variables for each population (see BioClim Variables)