. Make sure you are in the directory containing this file when you go through the tutorialThere are multiple tools for analysis of RNA expression data such as the Tuxedo pipeline, which is covered in this tutorial and requires a reference genome
Other pipelines such as Trinity do not need any a priori knowledge.
Extremely fast software programs such as kallisto and salmon are better for large datasets but need pre-existing transcriptome information.
For this tutorial, we will be using a dataset on small RNA to walkthrough the steps of the pipeline. Then we’ll analyze a full dataset for visualization in R.
Usually, differential experiments are run to compare expression of genes or isoforms in different tissues, cell types, or individuals in different environments. The goal is to identify which genes are differentially expressed between the groups. The Tuxedo pipeline only works on two groups but other software can analyze multiple groups.
The toy data set in this walkthrough comes from The Arabidopsis Information Resoruce TAIR, and contains RNA-sequence data for Arabidopsis thaliana plants at two time points during development – Day 8 and Day 16 after germination.
To keep memory consumption down and not affect the performance of the login cluster, it is good practice to ask for an allocation. 8 gigabytes should be enough to perform the tutorial.
$ salloc --mem 8G
Next, decompress the tar.gz file:
$ tar -xzvf RNAseqTutorial.tar.gz
This will produce a directory called tutorial
Move into this directory:
$ cd tutorial
You can list the files and their detail with ls -al
$ ls
drwxr-xr-x 3 hpc3183 hpcg1540 4096 Aug 2 15:21 .
drwxr-x--- 13 hpc3183 hpcg1540 4096 Aug 2 15:15 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 500073 May 15 17:06 athal_chr.fa
-rw-r--r-- 1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 94110 May 15 17:06 athal_genes.gtf
-rw-r--r-- 1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 10263308 May 15 17:06 Day16.fastq
-rw-r--r-- 1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 11255870 May 15 17:06 Day8.fastq
drwxr-xr-x 4 hpc3183 hpcg1540 4096 May 17 16:14 final_output
The final_output
directory contains the results of each step in the walkthrough.
Clusters of DNA sequences read on Illumina machines produce “short-reads” or nucleotide sequences of 75-250 base pairs in length. Each base pair has an associated quality score, and the sequences are usually stored with their quality scores in a file format called “FASTQ.”
Inside each *.fastq
or *.fq
file is a four-line format used to store information.
We can look at one of the fastq files with the head
command. This command will display the first 10 lines of a file by default. You can always use the -h
or --help
flags with a command (ie head -h
) for help.
Inspect the first few lines of the Day8.fastq
$ head Day8.fastq
You should see the resulting lines.
@SRR1660397.66 HWI-ST992:140:C2134ACXX:1:1101:5890:2171 length=50
@SRR1660397.770 HWI-ST992:140:C2134ACXX:1:1101:15403:2280 length=50
@SRR1660397.948 HWI-ST992:140:C2134ACXX:1:1101:20965:2381 length=50
The files here have been cleaned and trimmed for quality. Sequences should be checked for low quality bases, and adapter sequences to be trimmed if necessary. The steps are usually:
The sister to the FASTQ format is the FASTA format, which stores sequence information without any quality metrics. FASTA is usually used for storing nucleotide information such as genomes or amino acid sequences.
We can peek at the reduced reference “genome” file athal_chr.fa with the less
$ less athal_chr.fa
The above command should produce a screen starting with
>4 CHROMOSOME dumped from ADB: Feb/3/09 16:10; last updated: 2009-02-02
only shows as much as what can fit on a screen. You can scroll through the file with the up and down arrow keys, the space bar, or your mouse. To exit the reader, press Q on the keyboard.
The last important file to look at is the athal_genes.gtf file. This file contains information on where genomic features such as genes, exons, and introns are located along the genome based on past RNA sequencing experiments. A “gene transfer format” has nine fields for each line and is another version of a general feature format (.gff).
From Ensembl:
In this tutorial, we will be using several pieces of software:
.On the cluster, load the necessary software. Some of the modules that we are loading (nixpkgs/16.09
and gcc/5.4.0
) allow us to upload the older version of tophat tophat/2.1.1
. Sometimes, in order to run certain pipelines or to replicate analyses from published papers we need to revert to older versions of a package. Two common cases for this are when we get an error with a newer, less polished version of the software, or when we want to reproduce a pipeline by using the same software version.
$ module load bowtie2
$ module load nixpkgs/16.09
$ module load gcc/5.4.0
$ module load tophat/2.1.1
$ module load cufflinks
$ module load samtools
To keep the output of the pipeline organized, make file directories from the main directory. Copy the entire box below into the command line to create an index
directory, and a results
directory with sub-folders.
mkdir indexes
mkdir results
mkdir results/Tophat
mkdir results/Tophat/Test8
mkdir results/Tophat/Test16
mkdir results/Cufflinks
mkdir results/Cufflinks/Test8
mkdir results/Cufflinks/Test16
mkdir results/Cuffmerge
mkdir results/Cuffdiff
The aim of the pipeline is to reconstruct transcripts and estimate the quantity by mapping short reads back to the genome, and counting the number of overlapping reads.
The first step is to index the genome to make it faster to search. We will first move the genome file athal_chr.fa
into the indexes directory.
$ mv athal_chr.fa indexes
We can then move into the indexes directory and index the FASTA file with bowtie2.
$ cd indexes
$ bowtie2-build athal_chr.fa ./athal_chr
We can then move back out of the directory. The following commands will map the short reads in Day8.fastq to the genome using the transcriptome information from athal_genes.gtf and put the output into the Test8 directory inside the results directory.
$ cd ..
$ tophat2 -o results/Tophat/Test8 -G athal_genes.gtf --transcriptome-index indexes indexes/athal_chr Day8.fastq
The command should only take a few minutes at most to run. The process should be repeated with the other FASTQ file.
$ tophat2 -o results/Tophat/Test16 -G athal_genes.gtf --transcriptome-index indexes indexes/athal_chr Day16.fastq
We can move into the results folder to look at the output produced.
$ cd results/Tophat/Test8
$ ls
There are .bed and .bam files along with other files in the directory. *.bed files are used with genome viewers such as the Integrative Genomics Viewer and UCSC Genome Browser.
The .bam file is a binary version of a .sam file (Sequence Alignment Map). To view accepted_hits.bam:
samtools view accepted_hits.bam | head -4
Only the reads inside accepted_hits.bam will be used in the following steps.
The first three lines begin with the @ symbol and specify the header of the file:
The fourth line shows the data for the first alignment:
The last set of columns are optional TAGS. For more detail, see the official SAM specification info. LINK
Return to the main directory
$ cd ../../..
The next step takes the mapped short reads and tries to make longer transcripts from those.
$ cufflinks -o results/Cufflinks/Test8 -g athal_genes.gtf results/Tophat/Test8/accepted_hits.bam
$ cufflinks -o results/Cufflinks/Test16 -g athal_genes.gtf results/Tophat/Test16/accepted_hits.bam
See the results by moving into the results folder. There are four outputs, two .gtf files and two fpkm_tracking files. The transcripts.gtf file has information on the gene the transcript is most likely associated with, and also its abundance as measured by FKPM (fragments per kilobase per million reads). Due to the differences in length between genes, bigger genes may have more transcripts than smaller genes even if they are expressed in the same amount. FKPM tries to control for this.
$ cd results/Cufflinks/Test16
$ ls
$ head transcripts.gtf
Right now, we have transcripts information for two different samples but we need to compare between these two samples.
To do this, we will use Cuffmerge to merge the two transcripts.gtf into one. First, move back into the main directory.
$ cd ../../..
Now we will make a text file called merge.txt
which will contain the paths to the *.gtf files we want to merge using Cuffmerge.
$ nano merge.txt
Paste the following into merge.txt
Save the file and exit. (Ctrl+X and follow prompts at bottom of screen)
Cuffmerge should already be loaded as part of Cufflinks so use the command directly.
$ cuffmerge -g athal_genes.gtf -o results/Cuffmerge merge.txt
We can look at the output produced by cuffmerge. There should be a log directory and a merged.gtf file.
$ ls results/Cuffmerge/
$ less results/Cuffmerge/merged.gtf
Our last step on the cluster is to test for differential expression between the samples.
$ cuffdiff -o results/Cuffdiff results/Cuffmerge/merged.gtf results/Tophat/Test8/accepted_hits.bam results/Tophat/Test16/accepted_hits.bam
The results should be in results/Cuffdiff
. The *.diff files contain the results of tests for differences in expression of genes, transcripts and other features.
We can examine the gene_exp.diff file. Significance is indicated by the last column called significant. We can also search for all rows that are significant with a grep
$ cd results/Cuffdiff
$ head gene_exp.diff
$ grep -i "yes" gene_exp.diff
The next step in the Tuxedo pipeline is visualization. There is a specific package called cummRbund used for analyzing the results of Cuffdiff and other steps. However, cummRbund is a time-consuming process so we will use more common R packages.
The next steps are easier to do in R Studio on your laptop.
Download gene_exp.diff to your computer and put it into your working directory. You can do this in MobaXTerm, or using a free file transfer protocol (FTP) program like FileZilla. Or, you can just download the file from this link: gene_exp.diff
In R, your working directory can be found with the command getwd()
. Alternatively you can set your working directory to where the file is by setwd(path_to_your_file)
Read in the file. The columns in gene_exp.diff is separated by tabs so our separator is \t
. We also have column names so we put header as TRUE. Replace the path in read.table
with your own.
<-read.table("Data/gene_exp.diff", sep = "\t", header=T) gene_diff
We can examine the data frame.
## test_id gene_id gene locus sample_1 sample_2 status
## 1 XLOC_000001 XLOC_000001 AT4G19200 4:109-722 q1 q2 OK
## 2 XLOC_000002 XLOC_000002 AT4G19210 4:1199-5217 q1 q2 OK
## 3 XLOC_000003 XLOC_000003 AT4G19230 4:21378-23961 q1 q2 OK
## 4 XLOC_000004 XLOC_000004 AT4G19250 4:31503-32190 q1 q2 NOTEST
## 5 XLOC_000005 XLOC_000005 AT4G19260 4:33295-36262 q1 q2 NOTEST
## 6 XLOC_000006 XLOC_000006 AT4G19305.1 4:45251-45710 q1 q2 NOTEST
## value_1 value_2 log2.fold_change. test_stat p_value q_value significant
## 1 152652.000 12075.90 -3.660040 -2.975600 0.01255 0.146417 no
## 2 40327.100 20620.90 -0.967647 -0.604066 0.55940 0.975825 no
## 3 444.199 2310.71 2.379060 1.595950 0.11505 0.805350 no
## 4 0.000 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000 1.000000 no
## 5 0.000 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000 1.000000 no
## 6 0.000 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000 1.000000 no
## test_id gene_id gene locus
## Length:132 Length:132 Length:132 Length:132
## Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
## sample_1 sample_2 status value_1
## Length:132 Length:132 Length:132 Min. : 0.0
## Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.0
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 196.7
## Mean : 8981.0
## 3rd Qu.: 3612.7
## Max. :249268.0
## value_2 log2.fold_change. test_stat p_value
## Min. : 0.00 Min. : -Inf Min. :-4.443330 Min. :0.00005
## 1st Qu.: 0.00 1st Qu.:-0.5865 1st Qu.:-0.001481 1st Qu.:0.54679
## Median : 40.37 Median : 0.0000 Median : 0.000000 Median :0.94830
## Mean : 4903.61 Mean : NaN Mean :-0.106537 Mean :0.74266
## 3rd Qu.: 4013.09 3rd Qu.: 0.1374 3rd Qu.: 0.029255 3rd Qu.:1.00000
## Max. :109982.00 Max. : Inf Max. : 1.595950 Max. :1.00000
## NA's :4
## q_value significant
## Min. :0.00175 Length:132
## 1st Qu.:0.97583 Class :character
## Median :0.99085 Mode :character
## Mean :0.93772
## 3rd Qu.:1.00000
## Max. :1.00000
There are 14 columns and 132 rows.
You can see from the summary on the “status” column that there are 62 NOTEST and 70 OK. NOTEST means there weren’t enough sequences aligned to do a statistical test. These should be filtered out of our analysis.
<- gene_diff[gene_diff$status=="OK",] gene_diff
Now there are only 70 rows in gene_diff.
We can look at the changes between samples by graphing the log2.fold_change.
This is \(log_2(\frac{Sample2}{Sample1})\). In other words, we divide the number of reads of one sample divided by the other, and then take the log (base-2) so that negative numbers represent higher expression in the denominator, and positive values represent higher expression in the numerator.
Sample 1 is the first sample we entered into cufflinks (Test8), and Sample 2 is the second sample (Test16) in the cufflinks code above.
The histogram shows a peak near 0. We can see some genes increased in expression and some decreased. However, if we look at the column indicating significance, there are only two genes which are significant, which we already know from our grep
A common visualization used for differential expression is a heat map. We can make our own using the 5 genes with the lowest p-values.
<-head(gene_diff[order(gene_diff$p_value),], n=5L) top_genes
We can unpack the command above by running what is inside each bracket. First, the order command ranks the p_values in ascending order.
## [1] 53 68 44 54 17 1 40 21 61 3 38 52 29 64 28 46 23 5 37 8 7 24 70 25 4
## [26] 30 18 22 10 67 48 15 59 31 2 32 43 16 35 63 69 26 60 33 58 27 66 9 41 56
## [51] 14 42 51 62 57 50 39 19 12 11 47 36 65 49 55 6 34 45 13 20
Then gene_diff
is rearranged based on the order of p_value
and then we take only the first 5 rows of the resulting data frame using the head command.
A heat map requires a matrix with column and row names. We have to modify our top_genes
data frame for the heat map.
First, we only take the columns we need: gene
, value_1
and value_2
<-top_genes[,c("gene", "value_1", "value_2")] mat_gene
Now we make the gene in each row the row name and drop the gene column. Then we make the data frame into a matrix
mat_gene mat_gene
## value_1 value_2
## AT4G19810 5187.590 0.000
## AT4G20240 6453.970 0.000
## AT4G19430 0.000 1947.840
## AT4G19820 974.736 0.000
## AT4G19840 77050.900 419.423
Now we can make our heat map. For people using R on desktop, a graphical window will pop up. On the cluster, if there is no image forwarding, use the commented out commands to save to file, and then download to view the image.
# jpeg("heatmap.jpg")
heatmap(mat_gene, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, cexCol = 1, cexRow = 1, main="Heatmap", col=rev(terrain.colors(8)))
Another common plot to make is a volcano plot, named so because of the shape that is produced by the points.
We will use our entire data set. First plot the points and add a title.
<-read.table("Data/gene_exp.diff", sep = "\t", header=T)
gene_diff# jpeg("volcano_plot.jpg")
with(gene_diff, plot(log2.fold_change., -log10(p_value)))
title(main = "Volcano Plot")
Note, use
to read about the with function, and see some examples.
We can color the points that have status OK.
with(subset(gene_diff, status=="OK"), points(log2.fold_change., -log10(p_value), col="green"))
We can also add a legend.
legend("topright", pch = 1, col = c("black", "green"), legend = c("No Test", "Tested"))
Here is the code to create the volcano plot together.
Here is another volcano plot for a different analysis (Garlic Mustard, Alliaria petiolata). With this data you can really see why it’s called a volcano plot.
Make sure you understand these figures. The x-axis shows the \(log_2(\frac{Sample2}{Sample1})\) as described above. The y-axis is \(-log_10(p)\), which is the log of the p-value multiplied by negative 1. A larger value indicates a smaller p-value. For example p = 0.001 would be 3, p=0.0001 would be 4, etc.
kallisto, because it doesn’t require time-consuming mapping to the genome, is much faster than alignment-based software such as TopHat. For kallisto, a transcriptome fasta file is needed.
We can put all the commands into a script to be run on the cluster in a few minutes.
Important Note: To run this new script you will have to start a new CAC session, since some packages that we used for tophat
and gcc/5.4.0
) conflict with the 2020 standard environment StdEnv/2020
. You can certainly try to follow every package that needs to be unloaded and reloaded in order to run the new script. However, sometimes it is faster and easier to just quit the current session, start a new terminal window, restart your CAC session and reload only the necessary modules.
First, start up a bash script.
$ nano
With any script, use the first shebang line to write which shell to use. Here, we are using the bash shell.
#! /bin/bash
Now we can add more options for the scheduler to use when running this job.
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem 2G
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
The commands above request 1 core with 2 gigabytes of memory for this job and the job will have a time limit of 5 minutes.
We will download the A. thaliana transcriptome from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.. You can search at the top of the NCBI homepage for “Arabidopsis thaliana” and click the “Genome” link under the “Genome” section of the results page. Copy the link for downloading transcript beside “Download sequences in FASTA format” in the box at the top of the page.
The link is
Add the following line to the script to download the file
kallisto also requires an index. We will load kallisto and make the index using the downloaded file.
module load gcc/9.3.0
module load StdEnv/2020
module load kallisto/0.46.1
kallisto index --index=A_thaliana GCF_000001735.3_TAIR10_rna.fna.gz
kallisto requires directories for output to be made beforehand.
We can make a results directory and sub-directories for each FASTQ folder.
mkdir kallisto_output
mkdir kallisto_output/Day8
mkdir kallisto_output/Day16
Then we add the commands for counting transcripts.
kallisto quant --single -l 200.0 -s 30.0 -i A_thaliana Day8.fastq -o kallisto_output/Day8
kallisto quant --single -l 200.0 -s 30.0 -i A_thaliana Day16.fastq -o kallisto_output/Day16
In the end, the script
will look like this.
#SBATCH --job-name=kallisto
#SBATCH --time 00:30:00
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=2G
module load gcc/9.3.0
module load StdEnv/2020
module load kallisto/0.46.1
kallisto index --index=A_thaliana GCF_000001735.3_TAIR10_rna.fna.gz
mkdir kallisto_output
mkdir kallisto_output/Day8
mkdir kallisto_output/Day16
kallisto quant --single -l 200.0 -s 30.0 -i A_thaliana Day8.fastq -o kallisto_output/Day8
kallisto quant --single -l 200.0 -s 30.0 -i A_thaliana Day16.fastq -o kallisto_output/Day16
We can submit
to the scheduler with:
$ sbatch
and check on its status using
$ squeue -u your_account
When it is finished, in each output folder, there will be three files.
$ cd kallisto_output/Day8
$ ls
abundance.h5 abundance.tsv run_info.json
contains the number of each transcript aligned. To find all the lines where the estimated count is above zero, we can use awk
, another tool in UNIX for searching text.
$ awk '($4 > 0 ) ' abundance.tsv > check
This line uses the awk
command to search the text file called abundance.tsv
, using information defined in the quotation marks. This awk
command is similar to grep
or gsub
in R, but more complicated. The important thing to know is that $4
represents the fourth field in the file, or the column. We want all the values greater than zero, using > 0
. And we want to output to a file called check
using >
We can see how many lines there are in check using the wc
command and check inside the file.
$ wc -l check
$ head check
If you find that the column names are gone, try modifying the awk
$ awk '(NR==1) || ($4 > 0 ) ' abundance.tsv > check
The first part command puts line one (NR==1
) OR (||
) any line where the fourth field is greater than zero ($4 > 0
) from abundance.tsv
into a file called check
Actual statistical analysis using kallisto output is conducted using the sleuth
package in R.
The next steps would be to use the sleuth
package to explore the output created through kallisto. The reason we do it this way is that kallisto runs very fast but the command line is not so great for visualizing data. R is great for data visualization but it is very slow.
Using sleuth
you can investigate treatment differences (aka ‘conditions’) with multiple samples replicated per treatment. You can look at overall gene expression differences across samples for all of the sequenced genes rather than focusing on specific genes.