
To follow along with this tutorial, you will need a CAC account. Then do the following:

  1. Login to your CAC account
  2. Set up the Standard Working Environment with the command below. You only need to do this once.
echo "module-version StdEnv/2020 default" >> $HOME/.modulerc

This uses the echo command, which is the Unix equivalent of print. Rather than printing to the screen, we use the double chevron (>>) to append this line to the end of your .modulerc file. This is a file in your home directory, which is the $HOME/ part. Note that > would REPLACE the file with the new line, whereas >> APPENDS/ADDS the line to the file without deleting it. Since this file is read every time you log in, you only need to run this line once.

The command module-version StdEnv/2020 default is a module called the 2020 Standard Environment, which is a set of basic modules needed to run some of the scripts below.

  1. Next, you will need to copy a large file to your working directory. This will take a few minutes so you shouldn’t clog up the login node. Instead, request a short-term node using the command: salloc -c 1. It may take up to a few minutes before you are logged into a working node.
  2. Wait until you are logged in to a work node, then copy the file biol432.tar from /global/project/biol432 to your local working directory. For example, if you want to save it to your home directory:
cp /global/project/biol432/biol432.tar ~

This copies to your home directory. If you are already in your home directory, then you can use ./ to copy to your ‘current’ directory (the one you see when you type pwd):

cp /global/project/biol432/biol432.tar ./
  1. Unpack the file (gz = gzip; tar = tarball) using tar -xvf biol432.tar
  2. Move into the biol432 directory: e.g.: cd ~/biol432


In this tutorial you will learn how to work with next-generation sequencing data, following these steps:

  1. Examine short-read sequence data from Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq platforms
  2. Run a few quality assurance and quality control steps
  3. Assemble short-reads into contigs
  4. BLAST the contigs to identify overlapping regions
  5. Identify redundancies to finalize the genome assembly

It will take too long to go into any of these steps in much detail. Instead we’ll move quickly to introduce you to several different commands and programs. You can explore in more detail by using the -h qualifier, by following the web links provided below, and by searching for manuals and tutorials online. Genome assemblies generally require a lot of computing power, which means they can take hours to weeks to run. In fact, the computation required generally increases exponentially with genome size, complexity and coverage.

What do these terms in bold mean?

For example, the computer-greedy assembly program ALLPATHS-LG from the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard reports these assembly times:

  • 5Mb Genome (bacteria) – 8 processors x 1 hour = 8 processor hours
  • 2.5Gb Genome (most Eukaryotes) – 48 processors x 500 hours = 24,000 processor hours

So a 500-fold increase in genome size increase in processing time by a factor of 3,000

ProTip: The Broad Institute has a number of outstanding, open-access software for working with NGS data

To keep things simple and computation times short, we will assemble a small chloroplast genome (~150Kb), with a small subset of sequencing data. However, the same principal can be used to assemble genomes that are orders of magnitude larger, from sequencing files that are also orders of magnitude larger.

Explore the short-read data

As noted in lecture, the NCBI’s short-read archive (SRA) database is the go-to repository for short-read sequences in the form of FASTQ files (.fq) output from next-generation sequencers. Data come primarily from Roche 454, Ion Torrent, Illumina, and Oxford Nanopore platforms. The FASTQ file is a text-based formalization of the fluorescence data that you get out of the sequencer. We’ll explore this in more detail below. There is an unbelievable amount of data in this repository and most of it is virtually forgotten once the original papers are published. The few people with the computing power and expertise to analyze them are busy generating and analyzing new data! If you are interested in doing a research project with NGS data, the SRA is a treasure-trove of publishable data. You can explore the database at your leisure:

Short-read sequencing data are usually encoded in the FASTQ format, which is an ASCII text-based, human-readable file. Let’s take a look at the FASTQ Files in the deNovo directory. Using the list command and filtering for files ending in .fq

$ ls -l *.fq

NOTE: Don’t type the dollar sign , just everything after it. The dollar sign is to help you understand that this is something typed directly in the command line. Your command line before the dollar sign will probably say something like where hpc1234 is your CAC login. The output will look something like this:

-rw-r--r--  1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 508825089 Mar 26 00:09 Hi5KbF.fq
-rwxr-x---  1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 508825089 Mar 26 11:18 Hi5KbR.fq
-rw-r--r--  1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 562452706 Mar 25 22:24 MiSeqF.fq
-rw-r--r--  1 hpc3183 hpcg1540 562452706 Mar 25 22:24 MiSeqR.fq

Note how there is no $ symbol, because you don’t type this. It is output printed after you type the first line.

Take note of the file sizes. Each character takes 1 byte of data, so 500 Megabytes is several hundred Million bases (Mb). These are only a fraction of the size of the raw sequence files, which would be several Billion bases (Gigabases or Gb). It’s actually less than half as many base pairs because the FASTQ files contain information on sequence quality and other information about each sequence (see FASTQ section). In this tutorial, we will work with these smaller files to keep computation times manageable. This should be fine for a small chloroplast genome, but would not work so well for larger genomes.

The file names tell us whether the sequences came from the HiSeq or the MiSeq platform, and whether they are the forward or reverse sequences. This means that for every sequence in a forward direction (F) there is a paired sequence in the reverse (R) direction. The 5Kb sequences are mate-pair sequences. These are specially-made sequences from large fragments of DNA (~5Kb). Unlike regular paired-end sequences, the F and R directions of the mate pair sequences face outward. For more details on mate-pair libraries, see the lecture notes on de novo assembly, or more detail here Patent Link

Mate pair sequences are useful for figuring out the order of contigs. We’ll get to that later.

What do forward and reverse sequences mean?
How are they related to each other?
What are mate-pair sequences and how do they differ from paired-end sequences?

Make sure you understand these terms and concepts before moving on. Understanding the difference between paired-end (PE) and mate-pair (MP) sequences is crucial for accurate assembly.

Look inside a FASTQ file

Typically if we want to inspect a human-readable text file, we might use a text editor like vim, pico or nano. However, this would be a VERY BAD IDEA for short-read data files.

Do you know why?

A better option is to use the head and tail command to print out a few lines on the screen. You can also use the less command, which also prints out a few lines at a time but lets you use up and down arrows and other special commands to navigate through the file (e.g. ctl+g will jump to the end of the file). We’ll use head to print out the first 10 lines of one of the files.

$ head -n 10 MiSeqF.fq
@MISEQ:151:000000000-A561M:1:1101:15650:2204 1:N:0:GCTCAG
@MISEQ:151:000000000-A561M:1:1101:11561:2208 1:N:0:GCTCAG
@MISEQ:151:000000000-A561M:1:1101:14518:2224 1:N:0:GCTCAG

Do you notice something odd? (HINT: how many lines do you see?)

Each short-read sequence is made up of three lines

  • Line 1: Sequence ID, starting with @
  • Line 2: The inferred DNA sequence (A,T,G, and C)
  • Line 3: +
  • Line 4: The quality score (Q) for each corresponding base in Line 2

The + on line 3 simply denotes the separation between the bases on Line 2 and the corresponding quality scores on line 4.

The fifth line begins with the @ symbol, which means it is the sequence ID (Line 1) for the next record If you are familiar with a FASTA file (e.g. NCBI genbank sequences), FASTQ is simply fasta + quality scores (and with @ rather than > for sequence ID). Another name for Q-Score is Phred score, which was developed to automate the sequencing of the human genome by translating the fluorescence trace data to a quality score Wiki Link. The trace data are the influoresence peaks associated with the intensity of fluorescent light from each base pair. The error probability depends on the shape and intenisty of the called base (i.e. the one reported on Line 2 of the FASTQ file) relative to fluorescence of the other uncalled bases.

The quality score is calculated as:

\(Q = -10log_{10}(p)\)

where p is the probability that the corresponding base in Line 2 of the FASTQ file is incorrect (error probability)

For example, a 99% accuracy would have a p (error rate) of 0.01 and a Q-score of 20. The Q-Score is encoded as ASCII text, ranging from ! (0) to ~ (93). Several ASCII-Phred conversion tables are available online, like this one: Web Link

Sanger Sequencing can have an accuracy of 99.999%
What would be the Q-score?

Looking at our output, how could we investiage the reliability of our sequence data. One way would be to translate each ASCII character into a quality score (Q) and use those data in an analysis (e.g. frequency distributions, average Q across sequence position, etc). Doing this manually would take a while for just one sequence, and we may typically have hundreds of thousands to billions of short reads to deal with. Luckily there are many simple command-line tools available to work with this kind of data.

Check quality of sequence data

One of many tools available for this is available in the Picard Tools package. Picard Tools are a set of Java programs that are already installed on the CAC servers. To one of the tools, we apply the module load command to load java and then run the picard.jar command along with with one of the specific Picard Tools commands. For more details see the website: Picard Tools Website.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you are using a program for the first time, you should carefully inspect all of the options listed in the help file:

$ module load java
$ module load picard
$ java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar -h

In this case, there are many ‘tools’, each with their own parameters. The website cited above is a good place to explore these in detail. You can also get help for a specific tool. Let’s take a look at a bash script that uses one of the Picard Tools called QualityScoreDistribution.

$ java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar QualityScoreDistribution -h

Take a few minutes to inspect the parameters. If the description is not clear, you can often find more information on the website or Googling for tutorials or examples.

We have a file called that contains a bash script for running QualityScoreDistribution. Go ahead and submit the script to the SLURM scheduler using the sbatch command:

$ sbatch

While it’s running, let’s take a look at the rest of the sript. Open the file using a text editor. You should see something like this:

#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=8G
#SBATCH -t 00:20:00

## Quality check using PicardTools
module load picard

## Use command loads java commands
module load java

## First we need to convert our FASTQ files to BAM format
java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar FastqToSam \
        FASTQ=MiSeqF.fq \
        FASTQ2=MiSeqR.fq \
        OUTPUT=MiSeq.bam \

## Note use of backslash to break up one long line of code; easier to read

## Let's also convert the .bam (binary format) to human-readable .sam (text format)
java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar SamFormatConverter \
        INPUT=MiSeq.bam \

## Java command to run QualityScoreDistribution command in Picard Tools
java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar QualityScoreDistribution \
        INPUT=MiSeq.bam \
        OUTPUT=q_score_dist.txt \

The first line is the standard ‘shebang’ (!#). The next lines after that tell the scheduler that we want this to run on a single core with at least 8G of RAM. We ask for only 1 single core because the picard.jar program is not multi-threaded. Some programs have an option for number of ‘cores’ or ‘threads’ to use, and we’ll see an example of this later. If a program does not have these options, then it probably only uses 1 core. Specifying that we only need 1 core will help get our script to run sooner on the scheduler.

After the #SBATCH lines for the SLURM scheduler there are a few comments, and then all of the action is contained in just three commands (note the use of backslash \ to break up a single command into multiple lines for clarity.

The first one is called FastQToSam and, as the name suggests, translates both of our FASTQ (.fq) files into a single .bam format.

The second one, SamFormatConverter just changes from a .bam to a .sam

And the third, QualityScoreDistribution generates a frequency distribution of the quality scores.


SAM stands for Sequence Alignment/Map Wiki Link. As the name suggests, SAM is typically used with short-read sequences that are aligned to some sort of reference sequence (e.g. contigs, scaffolds, or whole genomes). Picard Tools was developed for working with SAM files, but in our case we can create a SAM file without the reference alignment.

Hopefully you noticed that our output file MiSeq.bam has a .bam extension, not .sam (if you didn’t notice, you should work on your code inspection skills; this will help you avoid annoying errors due to typos).

A BAM file is simply a binary version of a SAM file. A binary file is encoded by 1 and 0 instead of human-readable text characters. This means we can read and edit .sam but not .bam files.

Why use BAM instad of SAM if the former can’t be read with a text editor?

A newer format called CRAM is a compressed BAM file that can be read by Picard Tools.


Let’s look at the sam file

$ head -n 5 MiSeq.sam

This same file contains two headers, indicated by the @ symbol: @HD and @RG. These are followed by info about the aligned sequences.

There are few headers because we have just aligned raw sequence data. If we were looking at an annotated genome we would have a lot more information. For details on SAM headers, see SAM Format Header Page.

The @HD Header contains basic information about the alignment with VN indicating the version number of the SAM format and SO indicating the order by which the aligned sequences are sorted

The @RG Header provides metadata on the sample, with ID indiciating the read group (only one in this case). The SM header indicates the sample info – in this case Ap_euFCC3_20 is a code I provided to the MiSeq operator indicating the genotype sequenced (Ap for Alliaria petiolata), region (eu for Europe), population code (FCC3) and individual code within the population (20).

The section following the header is the alignment section, which is tab-delimited

Inspect the quality scores

The script should take about 1 minute to run once it has been submitted. The file called q_score_dist.txt is a simple text file containing the data for a histogram, with phred scores (x-axis) in the first column, and number of bases with that phred score (y-axis) in the second column. Use a text editor to inspect the file.

Take a look at the first few lines of the table using the less command. Here are the first few lines (you can scroll up and down with arrow keys and page up / page down):

## HISTOGRAM    java.lang.Byte
2       9178332
12      1147091
13      2049725
14      4335175
15      6409296
16      6754756
17      2646063
18      1689551
19      712264
20      852522

ProTip: The less command is good for reading through large files (>>1MB). It loads fast because it only reads a few lines at a time. In contrast, commands like cat and editors like nano will freeze with large files.

You can also skip to the end if you press shift+g

Take a look at the last few lines (then press q to exit):

30      2842858
31      1895487
32      7128154
33      16044318
34      12013312
35      8674978
36      11843773
37      66436507
38      111021970
39      217289324
40      670671

Try downloading this file to your computer, and then generate a graph in R to visualize the quality score distribution.

It appears that there are much more high-quality than low quality bases, but there are still millions of bases with Q < 20. Recall that this is an error rate of 1 in 100.

According to the table, there are about 483Kb with Q = 20.
Roughly how many of these are incorrectly called bases (i.e. errors)?

Another output file is a .pdf that you can download and examine on your own computer. Note that you will need to copy the file from the server back to your own computer to look at it. Programs like FileZilla and MobaXTerm are handy for this sort of thing. Take a look at the file: q_score_dist.pdf

Take a moment to make sure you understand what is on the x- and y-axes. Think about what this would look like for high-quality vs. low-quality sequencing data.

Quality check with FASTQC

FastQC is another popular program for quality control, using FASTQ files as input. It very easy to run, and provides more detailed analysis of the quality scores. Start by looking at the help file for fastqc

module load fastqc
fastqc -h

The first part of the help is the most relevant:

            FastQC - A high throughput sequence QC analysis tool


        fastqc seqfile1 seqfile2 .. seqfileN

    fastqc [-o output dir] [--(no)extract] [-f fastq|bam|sam]
           [-c contaminant file] seqfile1 .. seqfileN

The only required inputs for the sequence files we want to inspect.

fastqc MiSeqF.fq MiSeqR.fq

The output is generated as an html file that can be viewed in any web browser: MiSeqF_fastqc.html

Look carefully at the output.
Can you tell if this is high-quality or low-quality data?
Does it agree with the Picard Tools assessment?

Let’s look at another report for a full dataset of MiSeq: MiSeqFullF_fastqc.html

You can see that these are still very good sequences, but there are some sequences that start to fall into the lower phred scores (<28) in the 225-250 bp range. Typically we want to eliminate those ambiguous bases. We don’t have any in this example, but sometimes there are contaminant sequences that are introduced during the library prep stages (e.g. primer sequences). We would want to remove those before using them in our assembly. Remember the mantra: garbage in == garbage out

A good program for this is Trimmomatic Web Link. We aren’t going to use it because we don’t need it for our sequence data, and it doesn’t seem to be installed CAC servers. Moreover, the latest de novo assembly programs have filtering and trimming steps built in.

De novo assembly with PLATANUS

Once we have filtered and trimmed out the bad-quality sequences we are ready for the de novo assembly. We’re going to use a newer program called PLATANUS web link. Submit the script to run while we look at the program:


There are 3 main modules to PLATANUS:

  1. Trimming and filtering – for quality control; removing low-quality sequences, contaminants, or other sequences that we don’t want to include. We’ll skip this component since our sequences have already been filtered and they are pretty good quality overall
  2. Contig assembly – assembles short-reads into longer contigs
  3. Scaffold assembly – uses the mate-pair libraries to work out the order of the contigs along a chromosome
  4. Gap Closing – goes back to the short reads in an attempt to fill in some of the gaps made during scaffolding step

Platanus also has some nice features for dealing with heterzygous genomes. We won’t explore these options because we are assembling a chloroplast genome, which is homozygous. Take a minute to think about why a heterozygous genome (e.g. a human genome) might be more difficult to sequence than a homozygous genome (e.g. a mouse inbred line). Once you have figured it out, take a look at the contig assembly bash script called

#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem=18G
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00

module load platanus

platanus assemble -o Ap -t $SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE \
-f ./MiSeqF.fq ./MiSeqR.fq

Notice this line:

#SBATCH -c 8

Some programs use algorithms that can be run in parallel, meaning that the computation work is spread across a number of computer threads. In this case, we are asking the SGE scheduler to use 8 threads for our analysis. In theory this could be as much as 8 times faster than using a single thread, but in practice it is not quite that much faster because some parts of the program can’t be run in parallel. We then add the -t option to the PLATANUS command, but instead of putting the number 8 we put $SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE, which passes the number from the #SBATCH -c 8 line to the PLATANUS program.

We aren’t going to run this because it will take to long. We’ll skip ahead to the output. It’s a big file so we’ll look at just the first 10 lines:

$ head Ap_contig.fa

Note: This is a FASTA (.fa) file, which is a lot like the FASTQ file without the quality scores.


There are a two other very important formatting differences between the FASTA and FASTQ format.
1. The sequence ID is denoted by > instead of @ 2. Since there are no quality scores, there is no + to separate the sequence from the quality score.

Why didn’t PLATANUS include quality scores for these contigs?

Notice that there are two sequences, each of different lengh, and each longer than our maximum read length of 250 bp (the len in the ID line tells you the length of the sequence). These are the contigs assembled by the short read data. These two sequences are frustratingly small – barely larger than the length of our individual short reads – but if you look through the file you will see some bigger ones. Type:

$ less Ap_contig.fa

Take a look at the first sequence. It will look something like:


Information about the first ‘contig’ is encoded in the name. Here you can see a contig with 978 bases. You can also see that this is seq1 or the first sequence. Looking at the end of the file reveals how many contig sequences there are in total. Scrolling through, Most of the contigs are small (<300bp) but there are a few larger ones. We have are a few large fragments and a bunch of smaller contigs, but we don’t know how they fit together. For example, is there a repeat separating seq12 from seq34 or is either one closer to seq20? One way to bridge this gap is with our mate pair sequences. PLATANUS can be used for this step. Let’s look at the bash script called

#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem 18G
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00

module load platanus

platanus scaffold -o Ap -c Ap_contig.fa -b Ap_contigBubble.fa \
-ip1 ./Hi5KbR.fq \
-ip2 ./Hi5KbF.fq

The platanus scaffold command takes our contig file, which was created by platanus assemble, above. It also needs at least one set of mate-pair sequences. The other bubble file was also created by platanus assemble and would normally contain information about merged and removed ‘bubbles’. Bubbles in the assembly occur in heterozygous genomes and in repeat regions where alternate assemblies are possible. However, our bubble file is empty (no merged bubble sequences). This is a bit odd, and we’ll come back to why this occurs for this data.

The scaffolding step should use the mate pair reads to identify the orientation of scaffolds and the distance between them. It will then combine them into a single scaffold, which is like a contig but with N (the character for an ambiguous sequence) filled into for the unknown sequence.

Running the script may take a little bit of time so let’s skip to the output again:

$ less Ap_scaffold.fa

These results are very disappointing. We still have about the same number of contigs, with a few large ones and many smaller ones.

What’s going on here?

BLAST scaffolds to identify overlap

Let’s investigate by looking for overlap between different scaffolds. To do this we can use the BLAST tools. BLAST may be the most widely used tool in bioinformatics. A good way to learn about BLAST is to explore it through the web interface Website

Make a new bash script called to run the commands:

module load gcc/9.3.0
module load blast+/2.12.0

blastn -query Ap_scaffold.fa \
-subject Ap_scaffold.fa \
-out scafBLAST.out -outfmt 6

Be sure to include the same # headers as the previous bash scripts!

blastn is the blast tool for finding similarities between pairs of nucleotide sequences. In this case we are taking all of our scaffolds as the ‘query’ sequences and using the same sequences as our ‘subject’ sequence. This will just make a pairwise comparison of all of the scaffolds in the file. The -outfmt 6 specifies how we want the output to be displayed.

After it has finished running, inspect the output file scafBLAST.out. You’ll see that it’s a tab-delimited data file. The column headers are not shown but are as follows:

  1. qseqid – the query (e.g., gene) sequence id
  2. sseqid – the subject (e.g., reference genome) sequence id
  3. pident – percentage of identical matches
  4. length – alignment length
  5. mismatch – number of mismatches
  6. gapopen – number of gap openings
  7. qstart – start of alignment in query
  8. qend – end of alignment in query
  9. sstart – start of alignment in subject
  10. send – end of alignment in subject
  11. evalue – expect value, a measure of how likely the match is
  12. bitscore – bit score, a measure of similarity

You can read more about these online.

The key to notice in the scafBLAST.out file is that there are a lot BLAST ‘hits’ rpresenting similarities among scaffolds, especially considering there are only 50 scaffolds and most are <300b. If you look carefully, you’ll notice something strange about these matches. Most of them are:

  1. exact matches (0 for columns 5 and 6)
  2. align with the beginning of contig – where you see a 1 in columns 7 and 9; OR
  3. align with the end of a contig – where you see a number in columns 8 and 10 that matches the length encoded in the scaffold id (len)

In other words, these scaffolds overlap!

If two scaffolds overlap, why didn’t platanus merge them into one large scaffold?
HINT: chloroplast is circular, like the human mitochondrial genome

Connect overlapping contigs

Instead of manually trying to align all of the contigs, we can use the program REDUNDANS to automate the process of removing redundancy. The github site has a good overview of the program Web Link/

Create a new bash script called and include the following:

module load perl/5.30.2
module load redundans -v -i *.fq -f Ap_contig.fa -o redun --identity 1

Be sure to include the same headers as the previous bash scripts!

Note that this program is a pipeline written in the python programming language (.py extension). The key inputs are the fastq files, and here we can use the wildcard symbol (*) to include all files with the .fq extension – this includes both our paired end and mate pair reads. We also input the contig file (which was created from platanus, above). I’ve also set identity close to 1 so that we only collapse overlapping contigs that are identical.

This runs pretty quickly and creates a file (actually an alias) called scaffolds.fa inside a folder called redun. Let’s navigate to that folder using the change directory command cd and then inspect the files using the list command ls

$ cd redun
$ ls

Looking inside the FASTA file scaffolds.fa you will see we have just a few contigs now, and only 2 are >1,000b. Great work! We can quickly run a BLAST command to look for overlap. We won’t bother with a bash script since there are only 6 sequences to compare.

First load blast:

$  module load blast+

Then run the blast command:

$  blastn -query scaffolds.fa -subject scaffolds.fa -out scafBLAST.out -outfmt 6

This creates the output scafBLAST.out, as before:

$ less scafBLAST.out

The key rows are the ones that compare scaffolds 1 and 2. We can use regular expressions with the grep command to isolate these. If you aren’t familiar with regular expressions or grep, you should spend some time looking into these. There is a pretty steep learning curve, but these tools are essential to bioinformatics. For now, just type this:

grep 'scaffold1.*scaffold2' scafBLAST.out
scaffold1|size110843    scaffold2|size17952     100.00  246     0       0       110598  110843  1       246     1e-127    455
scaffold1|size110843    scaffold2|size17952     100.00  246     0       0       110598  110843  17952   17707   1e-127    455

What does this show?

Explore further:

  • combine scaffolds into a single contiguous sequence
  • BLASTn against Arabidopsis cpDNA and look at dotplot
  • use web tool for annotating chloroplast